Tuesday, November 07, 2006

And they all laughed...

I was sharing today for the first time through a translator. I was so glad that the man translating is a friend of our family. It seemed to make it easier. Although, when he translated, "then we were married" and "I want to talk about my call to be a wife and a mother" everyone broke out into laughter.

But what struck me the most were the questions afterwards about my home country. The local people wanted to know what God my countrymen believe in. It was incomprehensible that they would not believe in something. So our friend tried to respond, but he has never been out of his country either. And then I stepped in and shared that most people would say that they believe that God exists, but then they live like He doesn't affect anything...well, that was so funny to them...they all roared with laughter.

I never thought about the disjoint of that sequence of belief. But the more I think about it, the more nonsensical it seems. If He exists then the sensible thing would be to find out what He wants...

So the lesson I learned today was that if I believe in God's existence then I better find out what He wants because He's much bigger than me and has a clearer perspective...

I have two more lessons to teach and I'll post the lessons I am learning.


At 6:32 AM, Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

funny. that is a good lesson, looking forward to more lessons...

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Hey Marla! Not sure if you'll remember me ... its been awile. Its Amy James (now Rish) and I'm David James's sister. We met years ago when I was living in T Bay for a bit. I think we met at the Kuchta's (or at least because of them). I saw your names on David and Erin's blog site and so decided to check out what you've been up to. Lots of changes since '95! Me too. My blog address is garronandamy.blogspot.com

I got married in March of 2000 and have two kids. A little girl named Journey Solace and a littler boy named Solomon Honour. They are 2 1/2years and 5months old respectively.

I live in Three Hills, AB which is where my husband grew up. We moved here 2 years ago after spending a year and a half in the states at school and 2 years in Thunder Bay. My husband runs his own painting renovating business and I stay busy looking after the little ones.

Anyways, I'd better go for now. I just want you to know that you and Brian made a lasting (and POSITIVE) impression on me. I've never forgotten you or your quiet but STRONG faith. You set an incredible example for me of what a godly woman should 'look' like and for that I am truly grateful.


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