Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Money thoughts!

So, I have had several posts in process, but nothing that I have felt like I have been able to communicate the full extent of what I was trying to.  That is my trouble with the monologue forum that a blog is!

But, here is my thoughts on money!

This weekend I happened to have the distinction of putting the first ding in our vehicle.  I have my list of extenuating circumstances (read excuses)... icy roads, blowing snow, backing into traffic...  

All that to lead up to my astonishment when I got the estimate from the dealer to repair the door.  In my opinion all that the door needs is a little body work since... the door still works ...no tears in the metal ...no damage to the frame ...  However the esimate is just slightly more than: $3000...

Shocking!  Let me put this into perspective or shall I say in my perspective:
1) The van only cost around $18 000 +taxes.  That makes the door repair about 1/6 of the cost of the entire vehicle.
2) $3000 is ample finances to keep my family of 6 for a month.


Why would I spend one month of living expenses on repairing a door that works perfectly fine?

It's a bit like spending money on cosmetics...it's a nice thing to do ...it makes you feel good to have a little luxury ...but you wouldn't spend your last $10 on mascara when you have to eat!

Or buying a new outfit ...it's nice ...sure to bring in compliments ...it feels good to have a little luxury ...but you wouldn't spend your last $100 on new clothes when you have rent to pay!

Money is an odd concept...bits of paper yielded for goods and services...

As for the matter of the door, it will stay scuffed for the time being and serve as a reminder that I am the one responsible for it's current marred state!!


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