Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chase the blues away and the autumn hues come in.

I realize that I have been a bit negative in the past few posts...sorry about that. It's a bit indicative of my state of mind...not exactly negative, but drifting towards to tragic rather than the comic in life.

For example I was walking in the yard last week, enjoying the crisp air of the beginning of fall. As the leaves crunched beneath my feet I inhaled the sweet aroma, I thought about how delightful the atmosphere is...crisp, clean, fresh and yet full of the smell of the earth... As I reflected, my thoughts turned to the fact that the smell that filled my nostrils was essentially the odor of decay... Of course, it reminded me of a Philip Yancey anecdote...he wrote in one of his books (my paraphrase): Even as I try to think about life and birth my thoughts drift to the tragic. Take mayflies, I might begin reflecting on the delicacy of the translencent wings...but I then find myself musing on the fact that they live for simply one day...which leads me to the thoughts of my own mortality and the brief moment we live on this earth...

I guess as we explore a new life, we are looking for a new 'normal'. A pace and pattern of life that feels good for all of us...right now, most days it's still alot like life just "happens to us."


At 9:51 PM, Blogger eireanlass said...

I think that what change reinforces is that we are not really in control...and we desperately want to be! Hence the desire to figure out how we fit into it all and establish a pattern of activity, giving the illusion that life doesn't "just happen" in the every day. The term "new normal" is apt.

For the record, I don't think your posts have been negative, merely expressive.


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