Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thanks for noticing...

I just wanted to say to the Andersons that I have really appreciated all their support and understanding...and trusting us with their cuties. I think I was a bit taken aback that D has been reading my blog and then asking me about the things I had written. As I thought about it I think it was a really friendly thing to do.

One of the things that has been hardest is the feeling that some significant people in our lives haven't noticed how stressful this transition is. But I want to say thanks to those who are noticing us...

Thanks to the Kuchtas, who took us to Duluth...and shared their free hotel room with us. If sharing one hotel room (11 bodies total) isn't a sign of love I don't know what is...

Thanks to the Harbrons, who have included us in their events like we have never been absent...

Thanks to the Martins, who welcomed us as we came home and check in on us...Still waiting for the book K...

Thanks to PD, who got what I was saying about mourning because she's walking through her own loss...

I was thinking that I don't want my blog posts to turn into a little black cloud...but I want to be able to chronicle this process and somehow it's easier here than anywhere else. And I suppose I want to know that my friends are walking through it with me, as much as that's possible.

And thanks to Mom, Dad and Johnathan, who put up with nearly vegan meals, lots of onions and garlic and after dinner collisions with bikes and blades...


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

Marla, we loved hanging out with you guys and are so thankful that we had the opportunity to talk with you. Thanks so much for letting us come so often and thanks for taking care of our kids. Even though the kids were a bit grumpy, I know they loved it. You guys are a blessing to us and I'm glad we could be that to you too.
And thanks so much for the Indian food, I only wish I could have more.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Angela said...

I hope you got my last Facebook message about the camping. I deactivated so I don't know what happened to my sent messages. Anyway, the trip isn't happening now - in case you didn't get it.

I don't have your email address of phone number to invite you out, but you are welcome to come out for a visit any time! We would love it. You can email me - amarchuk[at]gmail.com

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Paula T said...

I am learning that to get through a grieving process you have to walk through it. There is no way to speed it up or ignore it. And once you come out of a life you've known into a totaly new situation you have to figure out how to be in taht situation. Often you can't just go back to what yu think it should be, but rather allow God to prepare you and show you how to be. I kow that sounds goofy, but we so often want to just get back to life and figure out on our own how to "be". But if we don't allow ourselves to heal and process properly there will be other stuff to deal with later. Know that you are so incredibly loved. Please come and visit me when you can - bring the kids too. As I'm constantly being told - it will get better. You won't stay in this place. I love you.


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