Monday, March 17, 2008

Permeated by Ethics

So DH and I are in the process of re-evaluating life. As some of you know I have been in the process of moving my diet towards a vegan diet. Currently, we are moving our family's diet towards a more ethical and sustainable pattern.

But we don't want to stop there... how much of our life can be moved to choices that are ethical, sustainable, in favour of social justice, supporting us being able to love our neighbours... How far can we move our life to becoming a good steward of all that we have been given?

I have heard it observed that often people read the teachings of Jesus and short circuit things by assuming that the teachings are good ideas but impossible to live out. This leads to our current 'experiment'. Can we follow Jesus's teaching today? How will it change our daily choices? Could our priorities be transformed?

If we are going to be good stewards of our bodies then what will we reconsider in our eating patterns? If we are going to be good stewards of the environment then what will we reconsider in lifestyle patterns? If we are going to be good stewards of our community then what will we reconsider in our consumption patterns?

I suppose all I can say at this point is:
Watch this SPACE.

I am hoping to chronicle our families movement over the course of the next while.



At 8:51 PM, Blogger mimlap said...

I envy your courage to pursue these questions, I find for myself so full of fear that I am paralized - I don't move to far from the mainstream - I wasn't even able to have the courage to home school my kids - I hope to learn from you and perhaps gain some courage to step off the tread mill and see where our family might end up as well. I so want to live the way you have described....thank you for asking the questions and I look forward to seeing and hearing what you find.


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