Monday, November 17, 2008

Mystic Monday #1

I was thinking that I might more regularly write if I gave myself a couple of topics to visit on a consistent basis.  So here is the first topic...Mystics...

So to begin with we should probably look at what mystic means.  From the straight up dictionary definition we get something like:
   A person who claims to have attained insight into mysteries which transcend the ordinary or average through divine or spiritual revelations.

I suppose with a definition like that who could blame someone for thinking of a Eastern religion like Hinduism or Buddhism.  But I want to specifically look at those mystics from the Christian tradition.  I think to begin with I want to visit a number of women who have been are either self-professed or have been labeled as mystics.

The things that these mystics have in common is a pursuit of knowing God through Jesus Christ; which may or may not include experiences that might be considered or called supernatural or miraculous.  The other thing that becomes clear as one reads their stories is that they have experienced a transforming power that causes the mystic to walk more like Christ and in closer communion with him.

One other caveat should be mentioned and addressed.  Many of these people walked with God before the Reformation so their expression of faith may be a bit foreign to those outside the experience of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox or High-Church forms of Christianity.  As far as I commit to pursuing understanding of the history of Christian Mysticism, I will also try to glean broadly assuming that God is capable of reaching us despite of our limited human perspective.  To me this means that I am happy to set aside those things that are in my view cultural or historical constraints; and still find truth and insight for life.

Very broadly we can see a chronicle of mystical experience through the Old and New Testament.  Unfortunately, we often grow so familiar with the stories that we forget the wonder and awe that came with our first hearing of the ways that the Creator connected with his creation.

And so today you just get a few thoughts and no names to 'google'.  I want to be able to do my subject justice with little biographies and samples of writing.  If nothing else happens watch this space next Monday for the first of my introductions .

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At 12:40 PM, Blogger selena said...

so interesting! am waiting...for next monday.


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