Saturday, February 07, 2009

My Partner and I walking through life

It's odd that I have been so sporadic in my posting.  I realized that I have a good number of draft posts that have never been finished... ...I wonder if they ever will be.  And recently, I have been using a journal more... ...the kind full of blank paper that fit in whatever bag I carry out the door.  Maybe if I began to use a laptop I would post more regularly... ...or maybe not.  You see I am a seriously unscheduled person.  I really struggle with time tables, time management and time perception.  At some point in my years you would think that I would have come to terms with the fact that time needs to be dealt with; yet I continue in denial.

What has helped is being married to my DH.  He does not struggle with time, in any way shape or form.  In fact, I am convinced that he knows the time without needing a timekeeper.  He knows how much time passes, how much time passed or how much time is likely to be required for any given task.  It dumbfounds me.  However, as a consequence I am more likely to arrive at appointments on time these days than ever before.  I may 'flap' as I exit the house to reach the required destination; but I generally reach it at the moment required.  This said I still find time limits stressful.  If I need to leave somewhere or arrive somewhere at a particular time I have learned that vigilance is necessary; of course, this vigilance is distracting to the task at hand and leaves me feeling like I enjoyed the event less than I might have had time not been an issue.

However, back to the title of my post... My partner.  I was just thinking today of the reasons why I appreciate him.  Part of it is the fact that I can say anything to him... today I was wondering out loud about the workings of our spiritual bodies in the next life.  Of course DH replies that the Docetists wondered that about Jesus; they developed the idea that Jesus' physical body was an illusion therefore he wouldn't have been subjected to the 'lower' bodily functions.  However, I assume that the body he was born with was like ours and his resurrection body is like the one we will be getting.  Of course, this is just a side discussion to the fact that DH willingly engages me as I speak out random thoughts even if they remind him of some teachings that are generally accepted as heresy.

We sat this week with dear friends as talked about church for hours.  Seriously, twice staff came up to us to ask if we were done our meal... ...we were, but as we were at the Chipotle in the MOA we didn't have anywhere to go so we smiled and continued.  The thing is that DH and I have been imagining church in new ways... bigger ways ...fuller ways and we haven't really had the time to test out our thoughts.  So we sat, shared and heard back from friends, who are both like us and unlike us.  Good conversation over good food is like nourishment for the body and soul.

So if conversation is an aspect of community that is  essential to the wellness of our soup then one of our current challenges is getting enough sleep.  As our wee ones are not so wee, they are not heading to bed as early as before.  That takes time from the end of the day for them and leaves less for us.  Both of us tend to process life at the end of it, so we stay up later reviewing and sharing all the 'stuff' that there was no time for earlier.  It would be alright if we were both caught sleep the same way, but we don't.  Just like we deal with time differently we also deal with sleep differently.  DH likes to explain it this way:  For him sleep is like catching a train, you have to catch it when it comes or sit and wait for the next one; however for me sleep is like driving a car, I just hop in whenever I want and away I go.

So we need to find more ways to carve out time in our days.  This week we drove a long way with no small people in the vehicle.  So we had hours to talk... ...a friend lent me a CD to listen to and there just wasn't the space for it...we talked, I slept and then we talked some more ...I know that it's cliched to talk about marrying a best friend, but there it is.  Walking through life together has helped us grow together in a way that I don't think we ever imagined.  I have learned how to experience the world as he does and he as I do.  Interestingly, I think it makes us more compassionate than we otherwise would be; because we still approach the world from different starting places.  He is much more intellectual, thinking, conceptual, whereas his current favourite word for me is 'visceral'; that just goes to show how intellectual he really is.  Visceral connotes instinct, but as I am human and the professional verdict on whether or not a human is truly subject to instinct is out; it would be more appropriate to define visceral in terms of gut-level responses.

This leads me to another stream of thought that I have been tossing around.  Is it really a good idea to meet a partner through a service that matches personality and interests?  I am certain that DH and I would not have been matched in our late teens and early twenties... ...I suppose we would be more compatible now, I think partly because of the influence we have had on each other.  Maybe that means that match-making services that use questionnaires filled out by the person looking are more useful for older adults, who know themselves well.  At the same time I think that there is place in a partnership for growth because of differences; although I am aware that those some differences may drive a partnership apart.

So I am wondering how to wrap this all up... ...maybe if unity in diversity is possible on a small scale like in a marriage or family then we should have hope that it is possible in to be manifest is a wider context.  But that also means that the lessons (compromise, understanding, compassion) that make our marriage strong can also make our friendships strong, our communities strong and our nations strong.

What are the things that make your partnerships work well?  What are the things that challenge the stability of it?

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