Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thinking about 'THE MOVE'

As the days whittle away...I am beginning to feel the anxiety in the pit of my stomach...

My friend, Rachna, asked me if I was getting ready to move...I laughed and said I am in denial. Since then I have been thinking about what I need to do to prepare. It all seems overwhelming. At this point I am not ready to leave.

It seems like many people have plans for us. Even my househelper has plans. She wants me to go to school, become a teacher and come back to work at the school. I think she doesn't really understand why 'The Sa'ab' wants to go to school again.

The most disconcerting thing for me right now is the 'not knowing'. I really can't say that I know what comes next...and I can't even articulate what I want to happen next. Living here has changed me and I know that I am not who I was, but I also know that I am struggling to find the redefinition of myself.

There are so many things I love about life here. The physical environment is second to none, to be able to stand outside our house and see the expanse of the valley beneath us; to be able to take a short walk and stand in awe of snow capped mountians. And then there is the cultural environment...a culture that operates on the basis of relationship, that views a person more holistically than most, that wants to teach you how to become one of them.

And then the girls...this place on the side of the mountain is more home than anywhere else in the world. They don't yet know what it is to be Canadian...they have grown up, at least partly, in one of the most multiethnic, multicultural, multinational, multireligious environments imaginable...and now they need to prepare to give it all up with us. Being a wife and a mommy I have become so aware that my decisions are not my own. My husband and children will be deeply affested by my choices and so I cannot make a decision as if I exist in a vacuum.

On the other side of this is the knowledge that when we land 'home' there will be familiar faces and the loving homes of friend and family. But that brings the slew of new questions: Will we fit back in? Will our friends and family have time for us? Will we annoy everyone with stories of the life we left? ...and that's only the tip of the issues that whirl in my head.

I try to set the anxieties in balance against the coming blessings...but the coming things, both blessings and challenges, are all unknowns. And it is the unknowns that are the most troubling...


At 9:26 PM, Blogger David T. said...

Feel free to annoy me with your stories anytime. Good New, distant land...and all that jaz. Kids are are made of rubber... you can bounce them around and as long as they are secure in knowing that thier parents love them -- they will cope /w the change better than you will (IMHO, YMMV).

David T.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Carla said...

We will be very excited to see you again.

Hopefully the multiculural background that your children now have will just add richly to their Canadianism--I like the mosaic that is Canada and I love having the opportunity to see more facets of it.

We'll be thinking of you, Brian and the girls! Our society suffers from a lack of "time" for other people that stems from artificial business rather than from true relationships. We're trying to make a conscious effort to change that in our home and are blessed to see that others are doing the same.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Paula T said...

I don't have anything profound to say. I look forward to seeing you! I know everytime I go back "home" it's different, and there's things I don't get, and I too want to share stories of my adventures. But life is moving, growing, changing and things shouldn't just stay the same. So bring on the change my friend!!!

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Though we've never met (I've only heard about you and your family from Krista) I look forward to meeting you. I am very interested in hearing your stories about life over there, so if you are ever looking for someone to "annoy".... look me up! And we're never too busy for visitors!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Krista said...

PLEASE. Please come and annoy me. With or without kids. Day or night. I cannot wait to have hours and hours of endless, beautiful, annoying conversation.

"I need a phone call
I need a plane ride
I need a sunburn
I need a raincoat."

~Counting Crows, Raining in Baltimore


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