Thursday, May 03, 2007

On second thought...

I was in the process of writing a post about the recent arrest warrant out for Richard Gere for kissing an Indian actress on the was a bit of a gripe about the unfairness of charging a Western man for kissing someone on the cheek when Indian men all over the country take liberties with Western women; but today has brought a different mood upon me...

I have been feeling under the weather for a couple of weeks; even now I am on antibiotics that make everything taste like metal, I have a headache from sleeping badly on my neck, and I am tired since B and I stayed up talking until about 2 in the morning (typical when we are in transition)...

However, I dragged myself out of bed this morning and decided to get on with the day. The girls needed to get out and I probably did too. So we wandered over to the usual spot for Thursday mornings...met a dear friend on the way...sat, chatted, snuggled a baby, drank some tea... and then I was surprised.

I have to back up a few weeks to explain everything before I tell you what the surprise was. Well, actually, I'll just back up a few days and then you'll be able to understand.

On Monday, B and I stopped in at a Tailor's shop to check on something I had ordered. I hadn't confirmed the order, but I was hopeful. I was tersely told that the item I was after was picked up weeks ago by someone from the School. I was so bugged by this turn of events...I couldn't imagine anyone buying the jacket that was made for me. Brian assured me he must have sold the piece of fabric to someone else; which was a more likely turn of events than someone else paying for a jacket that had been made for me. At that point, I totally let go of the lovely fabric I had picked out... I knew it was an end piece that I was unlikely to find anything quite like it. So rather than be disappointed I comforted myself with the thought that I could always have a black jacket made by someone else. A black jacket would be more practical anyway!

Imagine my total shock as I was presented with this very same jacket at my friend's house today. Two of them had been planning since the day after I found the fabric to get it for procrastination was likely a very helpful element in making this such a complete surprise. I was astounded...the jacket is as lovely as I imagined it would be...and now it is more precious because it now is a reminder of the amazing women who thought of me and loved me.

All this to say that I am happy to have a green jacket...I didn't really want to be practical. And more than that, I am reminded again today to notice all the ways I have been and continue to be blessed...

P.S. I am trying to be mindful of the blessings as P is currently sitting on her bed shouting NO!


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Paula T said...

isn't it awesome when the Father blesses us with little gifts such as that!!! what a great testimony. thanks for sharing :-)

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Erin Rebecca said...


At 10:52 PM, Blogger raili said...

marla, what an awesome suprise!!!

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Very cool story Marla! Blessings are awesome, and surprises are often doubly blessing! I'm glad you got your green jacket!


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