Monday, May 21, 2007

Oop...I did it again...

So last night was the Final Chapel of the school year...otherwise known as the Good-bye Chapel. B asked me to share...first I said no...then I said I'd think about it...then I agreed to it.

It was so nice that as B and I talked about what we were thinking of sharing it seemed to fit together the end we shared a bit of our stories and how we met Jesus with the undercurrent of being poured a life that is wasted on God.

The thing is as I prepared...I felt emotional outpourings...Then as soon as I started to speak I teared up and began with a cry... Standing in front of nearly 400 students and all the staff I cried...let me tell you I did not expect that.

The finality of the move back to Canada has struck me and I am sad. Until now I have been trying to continue on with the "regularly scheduled program". I have not really pulled back or out of comittments. In my mind, I think I was expecting to continue on as usual and then leave. The interesting thing is that B has been doing the exact opposite...he has been pulling out of commitments...turning things over...

Again, we were awake in the night listening to Johnny Cash and sipping tea. B always reviews his words the night after sharing. On the other hand, once my words are out I have a very difficult time recalling what I spoke. I have to trust the feedback I get because I am so unsure about what I said or how I said it...I mean I could give you the general thoughts...God meets us in the midst of our 'stuff', you can trust him to do what he says he will do and 'wasting' your life on him is the best thing you could do with your life.
Thanks to a dear young woman, who works with us, we had hours to pack this weekend without little people. Most of what we are bringing...minus any breakables...are in boxes...17 of them, all nearly full... with a third to a half of each box containing books...we are bringing a mini-library with us. And we have so many clothes to give away...there will be children all over the hillside looking like my girls...One of the nice things about being here is that things are less confined over what is appropriate for little girls or little boys. Now, once those say children reach a certain age, things are more strictly defined, but there seems to be an ambiguous time where anything goes. is one of our favourite paintings. It's by an artist named Frank Wesley. And it is based on the story in Luke 7, at the end of the chapter. We showed it to the students yesterday as we shared about being that woman, who pours out the most precious thing she has on the feet of Jesus. Interestingly, the feet of Jesus have a blue hue, which is a common symbol used to represent divinity in South Asian artwork.


At 5:20 AM, Blogger Paula T said...

I dreamed about you guys last night. There was a whole group of us from Rising Son, but we were all older...all in our present day ages and bodies. It was so good to see you guys. We were in a room and we were all praying for each other in our unique, church background ways. It was really cool. I kept getting prophetic words for people. It was really cool. I'm glad you are coming back. I can relate - every now and again reality rushes in on my brain and the reality of my situation is ever present and the emotion is there and it kinda takes over you! It will be good to visit and talk soon. I love ya!

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

I hope to see you in August as I am coming to Thunder Bay with my family. I am really excited to see everyone. It has been so long since we get to see one another! :)
I really like this art picture. It is beautiful.


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